ZIURek, joan den urriaren 3an, Grupo Elektrako Cibcom Technologies enpresarekin eta Goierri Valley agentziarekin batera, zibersegurtasuneko tailer bat egin zuen, non enpresetan ziberintzidenteen aurrean erantzuteko protokolo bat barne definitzeko estrategiak eta gomendioak ezagutzera eman zituen.

New ZIUR workshop with Cibcom and Goierri Valley in Ordizia

ZIUR held a cybersecurity workshop on October 3, together with Cibcom Technologies of Grupo Elektra and the Goierri Valley agency, where it presented strategies and recommendations for the internal definition of a response protocol for cyber incidents in companies.

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ZIUR, Gartnerren eta sektoreko beste profesional batzuen eskutik zibersegurtasunaren hesparruko azken teknologiak, ikuspuntuak eta joerak ezagutzeko helburuarekin, Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit biltzarrean izan da irailaren 23an, 24an eta 25ean. 

ZIUR attends the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit

ZIUR attended the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit held in London on September 23, 24 and 25, with the aim of learning about the latest technologies, perspectives and trends in cybersecurity from Gartner and other industry professionals.ZIUR attended the 'Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit' held in London on September 23, 24 and 25, with the aim of learning about the latest technologies, perspectives and trends in cybersecurity from Gartner and other industry professionals.

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ZIURek, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren esku dagoen Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak, industria-enpresei Europak onartutako araudi berrietako bat aplikatzen laguntzeko Adimen Artifizialeko tresna jarri du abian.

ZIUR launches an Artificial Intelligence tool to help industrial companies

ZIUR, the Industrial Cybersecurity Center dependent on the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, has launched an Artificial Intelligence tool that aims to help industrial companies in the application of one of the new regulations approved by Europe.

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ZIURek bere ziberinteligentzia industrialaren txosten berria argitaratu du. Bertan, zibersegurtasunaren esparruan urteko lehen seihilekoan gertatutako joerak aztertzen dira, eta ondorioztatzen da Espainia dela hacktibismoak gehien kaltetutako munduko laugarren herrialdea.

ZIUR warns of the increase in cybersecurity vulnerabilities, although criticism decreases

ZIUR has published its new Industrial Cyber ​​Intelligence Report, in which it analyzes the trends that occurred within the field of cybersecurity in the first half of the year, and in which it concludes that Spain is the fourth country most affected by hacktivism in the world.

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Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (EHU) Informatika Fakultateko 57 pertsonak zibersegurtasuneko prestakuntzan sakondu dute ZIURen Enpresa Gelari esker. 2023-2024an egin den ikastaro hau, bi erakundeen arteko hitzarmenaren emaitza da. Aliantza horren helburua mundu akademikoaren eta enpresa-munduaren arteko harremana areagotzea da, ikasleei prestakuntza-esparrua eta, ondoren, lan-merkaturako trantsizioa eskainiz.

The alliance between ZIUR and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) enables training of fifty people in cybersecurity

A total of 57 people from the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) have furthered their training in cybersecurity thanks to the ZIUR Business Classroom. This course, which was carried out in 2023-2024, is the result of an agreement between both entities, an alliance that aims to intensify the relationship between the academic and business worlds, offering students a framework for training and subsequent transition to the labour market.

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Itzuli da Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasun industrialeko urteko ekitaldirik handiena. Aurreko edizioetan bezala, Gipuzkoa nazioarteko biltzarrak ekosistemako diziplina anitzeko eragileak bilduko ditu, sektorearen azken joerei buruzko ikuspegia emateko.

We already have a date for Gipuzkoa IndustrySec 2024!

The largest annual industrial cybersecurity event in Gipuzkoa is back. As in previous editions, the Gipuzkoa international congress will bring together important multidisciplinary agents from the ecosystem, who will offer their vision on the latest trends in the sector.

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ZIURek BASen (Breach and attack simulation) enpresa-zibersegurtasuna ebaluatzeko proiektuaren bigarren edizioa burutu du. Guztira 19 enpresak hartu dute parte, eta, lehen edizioko 21 enpresekin batera, 40 enpresa izan dira orotora ekimen honetan parte-hartzaile.

40 companies improve their cybersecurity with the BAS project

ZIUR has carried out the second edition of the BAS (Breach and attack simulation) project to evaluate business cybersecurity, in which a total of 19 companies have participated for one year, which together with the 21 of the first edition, make a total of 40 companies benefited from this initiative.

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AAren gorakada eta araudi berrien onarpena izaten ari dira 20224an zibersegurtasunaren arloan gehien nabarmentzen ari diren alderdiak. ZIURek argitaratu duen azken txostenaren arabera, hainbat izaten ari dira beren egunerokotasunean, hornidura-katean adibidez, AA Sortzailean oinarritutako tresnak txertatzen hasi diren sektoreak, besteak beste industria-sektorea.

The emergence of AI and new regulations, two of the great keys of the year

The rise of AI and the approval of new regulations are being two of the most relevant aspects of cybersecurity of the year. Most sectors, including the industrial sector, have incorporated Generative AI tools in different areas such as the supply chain, as stated in the latest report published by ZIUR.

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ZIURek, UGGASA Urola Garaiko garapen agentziarekin batera, Ziber-intzidenteei erantzuteko gomendioak saioa egin zuen Sortzen Gunean uztailaren 4ean. Tailerra, eskualdeko enpresa txiki eta ertainei zuzendutako  bi erakundeen artean diseinatutako heziketa-zikloko hirugarrena eta azkena, zibersegurtasuneko barne-protokolo baten definizioaren ingurukoa izan zen.

Urola Garaia SMEs, more efficient in responding to cyber-incidents

On July 4, ZIUR held, together with the Urola Garaia development agency UGGASA, the session Recommendations to be efficient when responding to cyber-incidents in Urretxu. The workshop, the third and last of the training cycle designed between both entities for SMEs in the region, revolved around the definition of an internal cybersecurity protocol.

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