Arrisku egoera horrek datu sentsibleak erakuts ditzake, hala nola kokapena, eta hainbat gailutan gordetako informazioaren segurtasuna arriskuan jar dezaketen zibererasoak errazten ditu, ZIURen Eraso-azaleraren txostena izenekoan azaltzen denez.

ZIUR detects more than 25,000 exposed IP addresses in Gipuzkoa

This exposure can reveal sensitive data, such as location, and facilitate cyberattacks that can compromise the security of information stored on different devices, as explained in the ZIUR Exposure Surface Report.

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ZIURek APD Elkarteak, Euskaltelen laguntzarekin, antolatutako APD Talks Bilbao topaketan parte hartu du cloud soluzioek enpresei ekartzen dizkieten abantailei buruz hitz egiteko.

ZIUR participates in the APD Talks Bilbao meeting on cloud computing

ZIUR participated on December 11 in the APD Talks Bilbao meeting, organized by the APD Association in collaboration with Euskaltel, to talk about the advantages that cloud solutions bring to companies.

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ZIURek Industria-inguruneetako ekipoen gotortzea izenburupean argitaratu berri duen txostenak lehiakortasuna ezbaian jarriko luketen kalte ekonomikoak, konfiantza-galera eta erregulazio-zehapenak jasateko arriskua saihestuko duen segurtasun-estrategia proaktibo bat ezartzea gomendatzen du.

ZIUR recommends that the industry reinforce its security barriers, protect its data and segment OT and IT networks

ZIUR has just published a report on Equipment fortification in industrial environments in which it recommends implementing a proactive security strategy to avoid a greater risk of suffering economic damage, loss of confidence and regulatory sanctions that could compromise their competitiveness.

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2024ko hirugarren hiruhilekoan areagotu egin dira zibergaizkileek Espainiaren aurka egindako erasoak, eta herrialde hori da munduko hacktibismoak gehien kaltetu duen hirugarrena. Hacker sare bateko kideak atxilotzeak eta ondoren Errusiaren aldeko 70 hacktibistek Liga Santua (Holy League) izenekoa sortu izanak konpromiso handian jarri dute Espainiako zibersegurtasunaren bermea, ZIURen azken Ziberinteligentzia Txostenaren arabera.

Spain, the third most attacked country by pro-Russian hacktivist groups

Cybercriminal attacks targeting Spain have increased throughout the third quarter of 2024, making the country the third most affected by hacktivism in the world. The arrest of members of a hacker network and the subsequent creation of the Holy League by 70 pro-Russian hacktivists have seriously compromised cybersecurity in Spain, according to the latest ZIUR Report.

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ZIURek 1,4 milioi euro baino gehiago eman dizkie Gipuzkoako industria enpresei bere bost urteko ibilbidean

ZIUR grants more than 1.4 million euros to industrial companies in Gipuzkoa in its five years of operation

Cybersecurity has become a key element to guarantee the competitiveness of industrial companies in Gipuzkoa, which are increasingly suffering more effective and sophisticated attacks.

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ZIURek harrera egin die LHko SEIM Zentroko Sareko Informatika Sistemen Administrazioko Goi Mailako Graduko ikasleei, eurekin partekatzeko zibersegurtasunaren munduan gehien eskatzen diren profilak, ZIURen jarduera eta zibersegurtasun industrialaren oinarriak.

ZIUR shows the fundamentals of industrial cybersecurity to Administration of Computer Network Systems students

ZIUR has welcomed a dozen second-year students of the Computer Network Systems Administration Course (ASIR) from the SEIM Vocational Training Centre, to share with them the fundamentals of industrial cybersecurity and the services and tools offered by the Foundation.

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ZIURek zibersegurtasuneko webinar bat eman du gaur goizean Urola Kostako Garapen Agentziarekin batera. Jardueraren helburua, konektatu diren hamar profesionalak NIS2 Europako zuzentarauak ez betetzeak, enpresa zein zibernetika esparruan, dakartzan arriskuez kontzientziatzea izan da.

ZIUR updates Urola Kosta companies on NIS2

ZIUR has given a cybersecurity webinar together with the Urola Kosta Development Agency, with the aim of raising awareness among the ten professionals who have connected about the risks, both cyber and business, arising from non-compliance with the obligations imposed by the European NIS2 directive.

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 ZIURek DOK Summit Bilbaon parte hartu du gaur goizean, GAIA Klusterrak eta ESLE Euskadiko Software Libreko Enpresen Elkarteak Bilboko Euskalduna Jauregian antolatutako Teknologia eta Ezagutza kongresuan. Maria Penilla zuzendari nagusiak bat egin du NIS2 zuzentarauari eta enpresen zibersegurtasun mailari buruz duen ikuspegiarekin.

ZIUR presents its vision on NIS2 and the level of cybersecurity to 500 professionals

This morning, ZIUR participated in DOK Summit Bilbao, the Technology and Knowledge conference organised by the GAIA Cluster and the Free Software Companies Association of the Basque Country ESLE at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. Its general director, María Penilla, shared her vision on the NIS2 directive and the level of cybersecurity in companies.

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ZIURek bere egoitzan duen proben laborategian zibersegurtasun aplikatuari buruzko tailer espezifiko bat egiteko helburuz EASO Politeknikoa zentroko Operazio Teknologien inguruneetan Zibersegurtasunean espezializatzeko heziketa-zikloko ikasleak hartu ditu.

ZIUR trains students of the specialization in industrial cybersecurity from EASO Politeknikoa

ZIUR has welcomed students from the EASO Politeknikoa Centre's specialisation training cycle in Cybersecurity in Operation Technology environments to its headquarters to carry out a specific workshop on applied cybersecurity in its testing laboratory.

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