ZIUR is a non-profit Public Provincial Foundation, and is participated by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and the Donostia-San Sebastian City Council.
The Center is framed within the open and collaborative government model of Etorkizuna Eraikiz, initiative by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council to build the future of the territory in collaboration with the private sector, companies, universities and technological centers.

Governing body
ZIUR is regulated by a governing body in the form of a Patronage:
Ms. Ane Insausti Altuna And.
Provincial deputy of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects
Mr. Unai Andueza Iraeta Jna.
General manager on matters of Economic Promotion
Mr. Koldo Peciña Txintxurreta
General manager on matters of Strategic Projects
Members of the board
Mr. Jon Aldazabal Etxeberría
General manager of Legal Regime and People Management
Mrr. Aitziber Beldarrain Robles
Deputy Finances y Budgets Department
Mr. Jose Ignacio Asensio Bazterra
The Deputy of Dustainability Department
Mrs. Azahara Domínguez Urtizberea
Deputy of Mobility, Tourism and Territorial Planning Department
Mrs. Miren Itziar Agirre Berriotxoa
Deputy Foral of Finance and Finance
Mrs. Goizane Álvarez Irijoa
Deputy of the Department of Culture, Cooperation, Youth and Sports
Mr. Eneko Goia Laso
Mayor of Donostia/San Sebastián