Are you worried about the cybersecurity of your company?

We already have a date for Gipuzkoa IndustrySec 2024!

The annual industrial cybersecurity event in Gipuzkoa is back. As in previous editions, IndustrySec will bring together different agents from the ecosystem on 17 October in Donostia-San Sebastián who will present the latest trends in the sector.

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ZIUR launches an Artificial Intelligence tool to help industrial companies

ZIUR has launched an Artificial Intelligence tool to help industrial companies apply one of the new regulations approved by Europe.

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Industrial Cyber Security Center-Gipuzkoa

ZIUR is the Industrial Cybersecurity Center in Gipuzkoa. We help industrial companies to strengthen their capabilities in cybersecurity and we contribute to the development of the sector in our territory.

Get to know us


ZIURek, joan den urriaren 3an, Grupo Elektrako Cibcom Technologies enpresarekin eta Goierri Valley agentziarekin batera, zibersegurtasuneko tailer bat egin zuen, non enpresetan ziberintzidenteen aurrean erantzuteko protokolo bat barne definitzeko estrategiak eta gomendioak ezagutzera eman zituen.

New ZIUR workshop with Cibcom and Goierri Valley in Ordizia

ZIUR held a cybersecurity workshop on October 3, together with Cibcom Technologies of Grupo Elektra and the Goierri Valley agency, where it presented strategies and recommendations for the internal definition of a response protocol for cyber incidents in companies.

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ZIUR, Gartnerren eta sektoreko beste profesional batzuen eskutik zibersegurtasunaren hesparruko azken teknologiak, ikuspuntuak eta joerak ezagutzeko helburuarekin, Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit biltzarrean izan da irailaren 23an, 24an eta 25ean. 

ZIUR attends the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit

ZIUR attended the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit held in London on September 23, 24 and 25, with the aim of learning about the latest technologies, perspectives and trends in cybersecurity from Gartner and other industry professionals.ZIUR attended the 'Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit' held in London on September 23, 24 and 25, with the aim of learning about the latest technologies, perspectives and trends in cybersecurity from Gartner and other industry professionals.

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ZIURek, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren esku dagoen Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak, industria-enpresei Europak onartutako araudi berrietako bat aplikatzen laguntzeko Adimen Artifizialeko tresna jarri du abian.

ZIUR launches an Artificial Intelligence tool to help industrial companies

ZIUR, the Industrial Cybersecurity Center dependent on the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, has launched an Artificial Intelligence tool that aims to help industrial companies in the application of one of the new regulations approved by Europe.

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