Back New ZIUR workshop with Cibcom and Goierri Valley in Ordizia

2024 / 10 / 03
ZIURek, Elektra Taldeko Cibcom Technologies enpresarekin eta Goierri Valley agentziarekin batera, zibersegurtasuneko tailer bat egin zuen. Bertan enpresetan ziberintzidenteen aurrean erantzuteko protokolo bat barne-definitzeko estrategiak eta gomendioak ezagutzera eman zituen.

New ZIUR workshop with Cibcom and Goierri Valley in Ordizia

Held on October 3, it focused on response protocols for cyber incidents

ZIUR held a cybersecurity workshop on October 3, together with Cibcom Technologies of Grupo Elektra and the Goierri Valley agency, where it presented strategies and recommendations for the internal definition of a response protocol for cyber incidents in companies.

Precisely, one of ZIUR's objectives is to help improve industrial cybersecurity in Gipuzkoa and, to do so, it offers workshops to companies to help them advance in this area. On this occasion, the session organised in Ordizia was entitled 'Protocol for action in the event of cyber incidents' and was aimed at representatives of companies in the region such as managers, ICT directors or production directors.

During this workshop, held in the NBF Building of the Goierri Innovation Hub, ZIUR cybersecurity experts Iker Izaguirre and Iñaki Torrecilla also presented the most common types of incidents in Gipuzkoa and recommendations for correctly managing a cybercrisis.

For his part, Marcos Zalacain Martín, industrial communications consultant at Cibcom Technologies of Grupo Elektra, ended the day by showing a real-life example of the implementation of these measures.