Back ZIUR warns of the increase in cybersecurity vulnerabilities, although criticism decreases

2024 / 07 / 29
ZIURek bere ziberinteligentzia industrialaren txosten berria argitaratu du. Bertan, zibersegurtasunaren esparruan urteko lehen seihilekoan gertatutako joerak aztertzen dira, eta ondorioztatzen da Espainia dela hacktibismoak gehien kaltetutako munduko laugarren herrialdea.

ZIUR warns of the increase in cybersecurity vulnerabilities, although criticism decreases

The Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center points out that Spain is the fourth country most affected by 'hacktivism' in the world

ZIUR has published its new 'Industrial Cyber ​​Intelligence Report', in which it analyzes the trends that occurred within the field of cybersecurity in the first half of the year, and in which it concludes that Spain is the fourth country most affected by 'hacktivism' in the world. The Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center, a strategic project of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, warns that 'hacktivism' has been one of the main threats against the State since mid-2023, a situation that has been worsening and was seen increased at the end of May when both denial of service attacks and leaks increased.

In this sense, ZIUR points out in its report that Lockbit3 ransomware continues to be the group with the greatest impact in the world, being also the main actor against the industrial sector. Specifically, of the total denial of service attacks, 31.12 % affected the industry. However, the greater awareness and training that the sector has in the field of cybersecurity has resulted in a decrease in the number of critical vulnerabilities in the first half of the year compared to 2023, despite the fact that the number of vulnerabilities has increased.

“Spain has been impacted in an unprecedented way by a combination of denial of service attacks from pro-Russian groups and the disclosure in clandestine forums of confidential information potentially stolen from various organizations. Although denial of service attacks have been a recurring coercive measure since mid-2023, especially targeting the government and transportation sectors, such a high number of leaks published in a single week has never been observed,” notes ZIUR in its ' Industrial Cyber ​​Intelligence Report'.

Read the full report here.