Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak 360.000 eurotik gorako zuzkidura duen laguntza-programa abiarazi du Gipuzkoako enpresetan zibersegurtasuna sustatzeko. Ekonomia Sustapen eta Proiektu Estrategikoetako Sailak sustatutako dirulaguntza horiek bi lerro aurreikusten dituzte: zibersegurtasuna lurraldeko erakundeetan eta produktu industrial zibersegurua. Interesa duten enpresa txiki eta ertainek bi lerroetarako laguntzak eska ditzakete, bateragarriak baitira, baina eskaera desberdinak egin beharko dituzte. Era berean, aurtengo berritasun gisa, enpresa bakoitzaren gutxieneko muga 300.000 eurora igo da.

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa launches aid for the cybersecurity of companies worth more than 360,000 euros

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has launched an aid program to promote cybersecurity in companies in Gipuzkoa that has a budget of more than 360,000 euros. These subsidies, promoted by the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects, contemplate two lines: cybersecurity in the territory's organizations and the industrial cybersecurity product. Interested SMEs can request aid from both lines, since they are compatible, but they must make different requests. Likewise, as a novelty this year, the minimum limit per company has been raised to 300,000 euros.

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ZIURek zibersegurtasun industrialaren arloko ezagutzak irakasteko helburuarekin  SEIM informatika ikastetxean Zibersegurtasunean aditua master pribatua ikasten ari diren 15 ikasle hartu zituen bere instalazioetan apirilaren 23an.

ZIUR trains students of the SEIM Cybersecurity Master's Degree

On April 23, ZIUR welcomed 15 students from thePrivate Cybersecurity Expert Master's Degree from the SEIM computer science study center to its facilities, to impart knowledge on industrial cybersecurity.

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ZIURek OT inguruneetako sarbide pribilegiatuen kudeaketan sakontzeko Gipuzkoako enpresa industrialei zuzendutako tailer teoriko-praktiko bat eman zuen apirilaren 24an. ZIURen egindako topaketan zibersegurtasun industrialean adituak ziren hiru gonbidatuk hartu zuten parte: Unai Azurmendi, Wise Security Global enpresako business developmenta; Fernando García, One Identity enpresako software prebentiboko ingeniaria, eta Daniel García, Wise Security Global enpresako analista eta aholkulari seniorra.

ZIUR gives a workshop on the management of privileged access in OT

On April 24, ZIUR gave a theoretical-practical workshop aimed at industrial companies in Gipuzkoa, to delve deeper into the management of privileged access in OT environments. The meeting, held at ZIUR, included the participation of 3 guests, experts in industrial cybersecurity: Unai Azurmendi, business development at Wise Security Global; Fernando García, pre-sales software engineer at One Identity, and Daniel García, senior analyst and consultant at Wise Security Global.

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ZIUR, produktu edo sistema baten bizi-zikloaren etapetan safety eta cybersecurity alderdiak txertatzeak dakartzan erronkak ezagutu ahal izateko, QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid nazioarteko konferentziaren 4. edizioan izan zen apirilaren 18 eta 19an. SQSk antolatutako jardunaldian, sektore eta herrialde ezberdinetako hamar bat erakundek hartu zuten parte, besteak beste, Schneider Electric, Limes Security GmbH, GMV, Intel eta Microsoft.

ZIUR participates in QA&TEST Madrid as a member of the Technical Committee

ZIUR attended the 4th edition of the International QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid conference on April 18 and 19, to learn about the challenges posed by the integration of the safety and cybersecurity aspects in the different stages of the life cycle of a product or system.

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ZIURek, UGGASA Urola Garaiko garapen agentziarekin batera, Enpresa txiki eta ertainentzako zibersegurtasuneko jardunbide egokien dekalogo saioa egin zuen Urretxuko Sortzen espazioan apirilaren 17an. Eskualdeko hamar bat profesionalek parte hartu zuten tailerrean, eta bertan beraien enpresen aktibo digitalak babesteko aholku praktikoak jaso zituzten.

Cybersecurity training for SMEs from Urola Garaia

On April 17, ZIUR held, together with the Urola Garaia development agency UGGASA, the session Decalogue of Good Practices in Cybersecurity for SMEs at the Sortzen Space in Urretxu. The workshop, aimed at SMEs, was attended by a dozen professionals from the region, who received practical advice to protect their companies digital assets.

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ZIURek Hewlett Packard Enterprisek apirilaren 17an San Mames estadioan antolatu zuen HPE GreenLake Day Bilbo 2024an parte harte zuen. Topaketak, berrikuntza teknologikoak izan zituen hizpide, besteak beste,  zibersegurtasuna, sareak, Intelligent Edge-a, hodei hibridoa edota Adimen Artifiziala.

ZIUR at HPE GreenLake Day 2024 Bilbao

On April 17, ZIUR participated in HPE GreenLake Day 2024 Bilbao, a day organized by Hewlett Packard Enterprise on technological developments such as cybersecurity, networks, Intelligent Edge, hybrid cloud and Artificial Intelligence, which took place at the San Mamés stadium.

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ZIURek zibersegurtasun industrialeko prestakuntza-saio bat eman zien apirilaren 15ean Easo Politeknikoa LHko zentroko zibersegurtasuneko espezialitateko ikasleei Kontrol Industrialeko Sistemetan analisi-forentsean barneratzeko helburuarekin. Era berean, robotika eta zibersegurtasun industriala ezagutzen duten profil bat bilatzen duten enpresetako langileen eskaerei aurre egiteko beharrezko prestakuntza eskaini zien.

ZIUR introduces cybersecurity students to forensic analysis

On April 15, ZIUR gave a training session on industrial cybersecurity to the students of the Cybersecurity specialty of the Easo Politeknikoa FP center, with the aim of introducing them to forensic analysis in Industrial control systems (ICS) and, in turn, offer them the necessary training to meet the personnel demands of companies that are looking for a profile with knowledge of robotics and industrial cybersecurity.

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ZIURek, Iraurgi Berritzen Urola Erdiko garapen agentziarekin batera,

ZIUR presents IT managers with tools to manage and protect assets

On March 21, ZIUR held, together with Urola Erdia's development agency, Iraurgi Berritzen, the work session “Management and protection of our assets: existing tools and technologies” at the Basazabal Palace in Azpeitia.

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ZIURek, Euskadin 20.000 milioi euro baino gehiago fakturatzen dituzten eta maila globalean 120.000 pertsona baino gehiagori lana ematen dieten 300 enpresak osatzen duten industria-sektore horrek bete behar duen UNECE/R155 araudiari buruzko txostena argitaratu du.

Cybersecurity in the automotive sector: how to avoid fines of up to 30,000 euros

ZIUR publishes a report on the UNECE/R155 regulations that this industrial sector must comply with, which is made up of 300 companies in the Basque Country that have a turnover of more than 20,000 million euros and employ more than 120,000 people globally.

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