Back ZIUR participates in QA&TEST Madrid as a member of the Technical Committee

2024 / 04 / 18
ZIUR, produktu edo sistema baten bizi-zikloaren etapetan safety eta cybersecurity alderdiak txertatzeak dakartzan erronkak ezagutu ahal izateko, QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid nazioarteko konferentziaren 4. edizioan izan zen apirilaren 18 eta 19an. SQSk antolatutako jardunaldian, sektore eta herrialde ezberdinetako hamar bat erakundek hartu zuten parte, besteak beste, Schneider Electric, Limes Security GmbH, GMV, Intel eta Microsoft.

ZIUR participates in QA&TEST Madrid as a member of the Technical Committee

ZIUR attended the 4th edition of the International QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid conference on April 18 and 19, to learn about the challenges posed by the integration of the “safety” and “cybersecurity” aspects in the different stages of the life cycle of a product or system.

The conference, organized by SQS, had the participation of a dozen entities from different sectors and countries, among which Schneider Electric, Limes Security GmbH, GMV, Intel and Microsoft, among others, stood out.

Likewise, after her intervention as a speaker in the 2023 edition, the general director of ZIUR, María Penilla, has participated on this occasion as a member of the International Technical Committee of the conference, whose objective is to evaluate all the presentations received in advance and select the most appropriate to configure a high-quality program where the most relevant trends take place.