Are you worried about the cybersecurity of your company?

ZIUR supports industrial companies to adjust their cybersecurity defenses in the face of the wave of attacks

7,000 Gipuzkoan companies suffered an incident related to cybersecurity in 2023. Therefore, ZIUR has offered its help on World Internet Day to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.

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ZIUR launches a new report with recommendations so that the implementation of 5G is cyber secure

ZIUR has launched a new report titled 5G networks in industrial environments in which it warns of the cybersecurity problems that may arise. In this sense, ZIUR launches a series of recommendations to the Basque industry.

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Industrial Cyber Security Center-Gipuzkoa

ZIUR is the Industrial Cybersecurity Center in Gipuzkoa. We help industrial companies to strengthen their capabilities in cybersecurity and we contribute to the development of the sector in our territory.

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ZIUR eta Bidasoa Bizirik, Bidasoaren Garapen Agentziak, industria-enpresei zuzendutako prestakuntza-jardunaldi bat egin du ZIURen instalazioetan, Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasunaren egungo egoeraren berri emateko eta zibersegurtasuneko tresnak eta gomendioak eskaintzeko.

ZIUR trains industrial companies in Bidasoa in cybersecurity

ZIUR and Bidasoa activa, the Bidasoa Development Agency, held a training day on June 13 aimed at industrial companies to inform them of the current situation of cybersecurity in Gipuzkoa and offer them tools and recommendations.

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ZIURek Gipuzkoako Ganberak eta Spri Taldeko Enpresa Digitalak antolatutako Zibersegurtasuna enpresen eremuan jardunaldian parte hartu zuen joan den ekainaren 4an. Jardunaldia Miramonen egin zen, Gipuzkoako Ganberako Gipuzkoa TIC jardunaldien zikloaren barruan, eta zibersegurtasun arloko kasu arrakastatsuak eskaini zizkien Gipuzkoako enpresei, gaian aplikatutako teknologietan adituak diren pertsonen eskutik.

ZIUR provides its vision on the challenges posed by AI along with new regulations

On June 4, ZIUR participated in the Cybersecurity in the business environment conference organized by the Chamber of Gipuzkoa and Enpresa digitala. The conference offered Gipuzkoa companies success stories in the field of cybersecurity.

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ZIURek Goierri Valley Gipuzkoako eskualdeko enpresen elkartearekin batera, Nola aurre egin phishing-ari nire enpresan zibersegurtasun saioa egin zuen Ordiziako Goieki Poloan maiatzaren 28an.

Goierri SMEs restrains phishing attacks

On May 28, ZIUR held, together with Goierri Valley, the business association of the Guipuzcoan region, the cybersecurity session How to combat phishing in my company at the Goieki Pole in Ordizia.

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