Are you worried about the cybersecurity of your company?

ZIUR warns of more effective attack patterns due to quantum computing

In its new report on Quantum Computing in industrial environments, ZIUR warns that, although this technology is still in the initial phase, new cases of its use have already been identified in the field of cybersecurity, such as more effective identification of attack patterns or more robust encryption algorithms.

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ZIUR analyzes the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence in the industry

In its report Use of Artificial Intelligence in security tools in an OT environment, the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center recommends that organizations in the sector have the most up-to-date mechanisms to protect their systems and avoid suffering a cyber attack that forces them to stop any critical process.

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Industrial Cyber Security Center-Gipuzkoa

ZIUR is the Industrial Cybersecurity Center in Gipuzkoa. We help industrial companies to strengthen their capabilities in cybersecurity and we contribute to the development of the sector in our territory.

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Gipuzkoako 6.990 enpresa inguruk zibersegurtasunarekin erlazionatutako gorabeheraren bat jasan zuten 2023an, eta datu horrek handitzen jarraituko du. Hori dela eta, bihar izango den Interneten Munduko Eguna dela eta, ZIURek, Foru Aldundiaren esku dagoen Gipuzkoako Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak, lurraldeko enpresak zibersegurtasunaren garrantziaz kontzientziatu nahi ditu enpresak, esparru horretan duten heldutasuna hobetzeko laguntza eskainiz.

ZIUR supports industrial companies to adjust their cybersecurity defenses in the face of the wave of attacks

As Penilla explains, these attacks have “two main routes of entry into our companies.” On the one hand, the exploitation of vulnerabilities, since a total of 183,077 vulnerable systems were registered in the State in 2023. “This is a key point to work on for our companies: try to reduce these vulnerabilities to a minimum and manage them appropriately, because we know that cybercriminals are continually monitoring them to take advantage of them to their advantage and achieve that first commitment in companies,” insists the director general of ZIUR.

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ZIURek zibersegurtasun industrialaren arloko ezagutzak irakasteko helburuarekin  SEIM informatika ikastetxean Zibersegurtasunean aditua master pribatua ikasten ari diren 15 ikasle hartu zituen bere instalazioetan apirilaren 23an.ZIURek 5G sareak industria-inguruneetan izeneko txosten berria kaleratu du. Bertan, hura agertzeak telekomunikazioen munduan eragina duten aurrerapen handiak jorratzen ditu, baina sor daitezkeen zibersegurtasun arazoez ere ohartarazten du. Horrela, Gipuzkoako Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak, azpiegiturak babesteko eta era guztietako arazoak saihesteko zenbait gomendio eman dizkio euskal industriari.

ZIUR launches a new report with recommendations so that the implementation of 5G is cyber secure

ZIUR has launched a new report titled 5G networks in industrial environments in which it addresses the great advances that its appearance represents for the world of telecommunications, but also warns of the cybersecurity problems that may arise. In this sense, the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center launches a series of recommendations to the Basque industry to protect its infrastructures and avoid all types of problems.

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Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak 360.000 eurotik gorako zuzkidura duen laguntza-programa abiarazi du Gipuzkoako enpresetan zibersegurtasuna sustatzeko. Ekonomia Sustapen eta Proiektu Estrategikoetako Sailak sustatutako dirulaguntza horiek bi lerro aurreikusten dituzte: zibersegurtasuna lurraldeko erakundeetan eta produktu industrial zibersegurua. Interesa duten enpresa txiki eta ertainek bi lerroetarako laguntzak eska ditzakete, bateragarriak baitira, baina eskaera desberdinak egin beharko dituzte. Era berean, aurtengo berritasun gisa, enpresa bakoitzaren gutxieneko muga 300.000 eurora igo da.

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa launches aid for the cybersecurity of companies worth more than 360,000 euros

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has launched an aid program to promote cybersecurity in companies in Gipuzkoa that has a budget of more than 360,000 euros. These subsidies, promoted by the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects, contemplate two lines: cybersecurity in the territory's organizations and the industrial cybersecurity product. Interested SMEs can request aid from both lines, since they are compatible, but they must make different requests. Likewise, as a novelty this year, the minimum limit per company has been raised to 300,000 euros.

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