Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (EHU) Informatika Fakultateko 57 pertsonak zibersegurtasuneko prestakuntzan sakondu dute ZIURen Enpresa Gelari esker. 2023-2024an egin den ikastaro hau, bi erakundeen arteko hitzarmenaren emaitza da. Aliantza horren helburua mundu akademikoaren eta enpresa-munduaren arteko harremana areagotzea da, ikasleei prestakuntza-esparrua eta, ondoren, lan-merkaturako trantsizioa eskainiz.

Balance of the ZIUR cybersecurity classroom

A total of 57 people from the Faculty of Informatics of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) have delved into cybersecurity training thanks to the ZIUR Business Classroom. This course, which was carried out in 2023-2024, is the result of an agreement between both entities, an alliance that aims to intensify the relationship between the academic and business worlds, offering students a training framework and subsequent transition to the labor market.

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Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasun industrialaren urteroko ekitaldia bueltan da. Aurreko edizioetan bezala, IndustrySecek ekosistemako hainbat eragile bilduko ditu sektorearen azken joerak ezagutzera emateko.

We already have a date for Gipuzkoa IndustrySec 2024!

Gipuzkoa's annual industrial cybersecurity event is back. As in previous editions, IndustrySec will bring together different agents from the ecosystem who will present the latest trends in the sector.

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ZIURek BASen (Breach and attack simulation) enpresa-zibersegurtasuna ebaluatzeko proiektuaren bigarren edizioa burutu du. Guztira 19 enpresak hartu dute parte, eta, lehen edizioko 21 enpresekin batera, 40 enpresa izan dira orotora ekimen honetan parte-hartzaile.

40 companies improve their cybersecurity with the BAS project

ZIUR has carried out the second edition of the BAS (Breach and attack simulation) project to evaluate business cybersecurity, in which a total of 19 companies have participated for one year, which together with the 21 of the first edition, make a total of 40 companies benefited from this initiative.

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