ZIURen txostenak industria-ehunaren kontzientziaziorako zibersegurtasunaren esparruko joerak aztertu ditu. Eta ildo horretan, 2024ean, urritik abendura, Espainian %23,23 igo direla ransomware-erasoarekin lotutako gertakariak nabarmendu du.

Most cybersecurity intrusions are due to human error

The report from ZIUR, which analyzes the trends that have occurred within the field of cybersecurity to raise awareness in the industrial sector, highlights that between October and December 2024, incidents related to ransomware attacks have increased by 23.23% in Spain.

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ZIURek eta CCI Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak indarrak batu dituzte Europako zuzentarau berri bat ez betetzeagatik milioi askoko zigorrak saihesteko

Most cybersecurity intrusions are due to human error Duplicate 1

The report from ZIUR, which analyzes the trends that have occurred within the field of cybersecurity to raise awareness in the industrial sector, highlights that between October and December 2024, incidents related to ransomware attacks have increased by 23.23% in Spain.

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Arrisku egoera horrek datu sentsibleak erakuts ditzake, hala nola kokapena, eta hainbat gailutan gordetako informazioaren segurtasuna arriskuan jar dezaketen zibererasoak errazten ditu, ZIURen Eraso-azaleraren txostena izenekoan azaltzen denez.

ZIUR detects more than 25,000 exposed IP addresses in Gipuzkoa

This exposure can reveal sensitive data, such as location, and facilitate cyberattacks that can compromise the security of information stored on different devices, as explained in the ZIUR Exposure Surface Report.

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07 Ots.

Introductory workshop on cybersecurity

Did you know that a cyber attack can cause your company's activity to be blocked and your clients' information to be lost? On February 7th we will be giving an introductory workshop on cybersecurity with the collaboration of the Beterri Buruntza Association.

21 Urt.

Workshop for SMEs on NIS2, with the CCI Centre (part 1)

On January 21, we will be giving the first part of the workshop for SMEs on the European NIS2 directive, with the collaboration of the CCl center. The general director of ZIUR, María Penilla, and the legal compliance expert of the CCI center, Juan Pulpillo, will present the requirements and conclusions of the NIS2 regulation, as well as aspects for the strategic management of cybersecurity risk and a list of tools for risk management.

11 Aza.

DOK Summit Bilbao

On November 11th we will participate in the Technology and Knowledge congress 'DOK Summit Bilbao' organized by the Gaia Cluster and the Association of Free Software Companies of the Basque Country 'Esle'. There, the director of ZIUR, María Penilla, will take part in the presentation of the Versia Shield product, together with Eder San Millán from 'Versia Cyber ​​Shield', and will participate in a round table to discuss the NIS2 Directive and critical sectors, together with expert representatives from INCIBE, ESCO, SPRI, Naturgy and Iberdrola.

Euskalduna Palace (Bilbao)