Back New ZIUR report on Edge Computing

2023 / 06 / 21
ZIURek Edge Computing filosofiaren inguruan txosten bat argitaratu du. Txosten honen helburua arkitektura hori ezarri nahi duten industria-sektoreko erakundeei prebentzio-neurri egokiak hartzen laguntzea da.

New ZIUR report on Edge Computing

ZIUR has published a report on the Edge Computing philosophy, with the aim of helping entities in the industrial sector to adopt the appropriate preventive measures in the event that they want to implement said architecture.

The increase in the number of systems and sensors deployed in industrial environments increases the volume of information about the manufacturing process. The Edge Computing architecture allows the data produced by these devices to be processed where it originated, within the organization's own facilities. However, this architecture poses a new scenario that is not exempt from security risks.

ZIUR has identified the need to collect the risks associated with the implementation of the Edge Computing architecture, whether working in cloud or local environments, as well as other aspects to take into account before proceeding with the implementation.

As explained by the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center in its report, the adoption of an Edge Computing architecture in an industrial organization is a complex transformation that varies depending on the model implemented, and whose risks must be taken into account from the design phase. To this end, ZIUR recommends that industrial organizations work on an action plan for risk mitigation, among other recommendations.