Back ZIUR participates in the ISACA cybersecurity congress in Bilbao

2023 / 09 / 27
ZIURek irailaren 28an Bilbon egindako ISACAren zibersegurtasun kongresuan parte hartu du. Biltzarra, Auditoretza, Zibersegurtasun eta Segurtasuneko IT adituen elkarteak eta Osane Consulting, Zerolynxek antolatu dute, Cybasqueren eta ZIURen (Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasun industrialeko zentroa) laguntzarekin.

ZIUR participates in the ISACA cybersecurity congress in Bilbao

The foundation has exposed the cybersecurity challenges that Basque companies face

ZIUR has participated in the ISACA cybersecurity congress held on September 28 in Bilbao, organized by the aforementioned association of experts in Auditing, Cybersecurity and IT Security, as well as Osane Consulting, Zerolynx, which have had the support of Cybasque and ZIUR , the industrial cybersecurity center of Gipuzkoa.

The conference titled "State of Cybersecurity in the business fabric of Euskadi" featured a panel of top-level international experts and addressed the most relevant problems in the cyber field that are currently affecting the business interests of the BAC. .

The technical director of ZIUR, María Penilla, has spoken about the cybersecurity challenges that companies in the Basque Country face. Likewise, during the day different cases were addressed, such as attacks linked to new technologies, which already represent one in every four crimes reported in the Basque Country.

Ultimately, the day has highlighted the urgent need to train, invest in talent and incorporate 'ad hoc' strategic plans in the face of the unstoppable growth of cyberattacks.