Back ZIUR exposes its decalogue of good practices to guarantee cybersecurity in the company

ZIUR exposes its decalogue of good practices to guarantee cybersecurity in the company
Together with Iraurgi Berritzen, the center organized a round table in Azpeitia
ZIUR organized, together with Iraurgi Berritzen, a new work session called "technological breakfasts" in which he presented his decalogue of good practices to guarantee cybersecurity in the company. The session, aimed at representatives of companies in the region, especially managers and IT managers, took place on the 14th at the Palacio Basazabal, in Azpeitia.
Begoña Beobide, representative of Iraurgi Berritzen, was in charge of welcoming the participants, while María Penilla and Iker Izaguirre, from ZIUR, addressed the aforementioned catalog of good practices. The document emphasizes IT inventory and risk analysis; in back-up systems; in the protection of the 'endpoint'; in 'firewall' and teleworking; in the segmentation of IT and OT networks; in passwords and the responsible use of devices; in remote access to suppliers; in measures to prevent phishing; in user training and, lastly, in responses in the event of cybersecurity incidents.
During the session, in addition to discussing the keys to cybersecurity, the participating companies exchanged experiences and common problems in their day-to-day activities. At the end of the 'technological breakfasts', a work dynamic was held to identify and prioritize the issues that, starting in September, this working group of ICT managers will address.