Back ZIUR presents the latest developments in cybersecurity to 20 professionals

2023 / 10 / 26
Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasun industrialeko zentroak zibersegurtasunari buruzko konferentzia bat eman du Mondragonen, Mondragon Korporazioko Ingeniaritza eta Zerbitzuen Dibisioarekin lankidetzan (MISE). Bertan, hogei bat profesionalek ezagutu dituzte zibersegurtasun industrialeko azken aurrerapenak.

ZIUR presents the latest developments in cybersecurity to 20 professionals

The Gipuzkoa industrial cybersecurity center held a cybersecurity conference in Mondragón in collaboration with MISE, the Engineering and Services Division of Corporación Mondragón, in which 20 professionals were able to learn about the latest advances in industrial cybersecurity.

María Penilla and Iker Izaguirre, general director and cybersecurity technician of ZIUR respectively, shared the current situation of threats in the industrial environment, and the challenges and opportunities offered by the new European cybersecurity regulations for industrial companies (NIS 2, CRA and IEC 62443).

Likewise, they presented the results of the latest projects of the Guipuzcoan center, Deception, BAS and Spear Phishing. These initiatives to simulate cyber attacks on industrial companies aim to measure the degree of protection of their systems, both in IT and OT environments, and in turn, propose improvements based on the vulnerabilities and gaps identified, and offer training.

In this sense, cybersecurity experts placed prevention and awareness as a starting point to confront the increase in cyberattacks.