Back ZIUR offers cybersecurity training to NGOs

2024 / 02 / 09
ZIURek Euskadiko GKEen koordinakundeari zuzendutako zibersegurtasunari buruzko formazio-saio bat antolatu zuen otsailaren 9an Donostiako Gizalde elkartean. Maria Penilla ZIUReko zuzendariak eskeinitako kontzientziazio jardunaldiaren helburua GKEetako langile zein boluntarioak phishing saiakera zein zibereraso bat antzematen laguntzea izan zen.

ZIUR offers cybersecurity training to NGOs

The course helped the workers and volunteers of Basque NGOs to detect a phishing attempt or an attack, incidents that they have already suffered in recent months.

On February 9, ZIUR offered training on cybersecurity to the Basque NGO Coordinator in Gizalde, Donostia. The director of ZIUR, María Penilla, gave this awareness day that helped NGO workers and volunteers detect a phishing attempt or a cyber attack.

The participants in this training showed a lot of interest, since in recent months they have suffered several incidents, especially phishing. For this reason, Penilla told them the tools they have at their disposal to detect a secure email from one that is not and also explained the best way to handle critical information to avoid a cyber incident that could compromise the NGO.

The workers belonging to the ONGD Coordination of Euskadi also learned how to protect their information and its transfers, as well as the keys to act quickly in the event of a cyber incident.