Back ZIUR prepares Gipuzkoan companies for a computer disaster

2023 / 11 / 16
ZIURek Disaster Recovery tailer praktikoa antolatu du bere egoitzan, Bullhost zibersegurtasuneko enpresaren laguntzarekin. Unibertsitate, enpresa eta prestakuntza-zentroetako berrogei bat ordezkarik zibersegurtasuna enpresen negozio-jarraitutasunean txertatzearen garrantziaz jabetu ahal izan dira, era horretan beren azpiegituren eraginkortasuna une oro bermatu ahal izateko.

ZIUR prepares Gipuzkoan companies for a computer disaster

More than 40 professionals have participated in the generic IT/OT Disaster Recovery workshop

ZIUR has organized a practical Disaster Recovery workshop at its headquarters, in collaboration with the cybersecurity company Bullhost. About forty representatives from universities, companies and training centers have been able to understand the importance of integrating cybersecurity into the business continuity of companies, so that they can ensure the operation of their infrastructure at all times.

To do this, Leonardo Martín, IT Technician at Bullhost, and Jon Urionaguena, cybersecurity consultant at Bullhost, have presented a computer disaster situation to the attending companies, and have made known the necessary guidelines to prepare the infrastructures of their businesses, and They can, thus, recover as soon as possible in the event of a catastrophe.

Specifically, they have presented an IT-type infrastructure with standard backup solutions, and have carried out a simulation of several disaster recovery cases, in which business continuity in the infrastructure of a service provider has been quickly validated, among other things. .