Back ZIUR gives a workshop on the management of privileged access in OT

2024 / 04 / 19
ZIURek OT inguruneetako sarbide pribilegiatuen kudeaketan sakontzeko Gipuzkoako enpresa industrialei zuzendutako tailer teoriko-praktiko bat eman zuen apirilaren 24an.

ZIUR gives a workshop on the management of privileged access in OT

On April 24, ZIUR gave a theoretical-practical workshop aimed at industrial companies in Gipuzkoa, to delve deeper into the management of privileged access in OT environments. The meeting, held at ZIUR, included the participation of 3 guests, experts in industrial cybersecurity: Unai Azurmendi, business development at Wise Security Global; Fernando García, pre-sales software engineer at One Identity, and Daniel García, senior analyst and consultant at Wise Security Global.

The objective of the workshop was to familiarize IT managers with the technologies and systems used to monitor and control physical processes, such as devices and operations in industrial environments, and cybersecurity in the OT area, identifying the main threats and focusing on the management of privileged access to these critical systems. That is, understanding where and how can help us have governance and control over changes in OT environments.

In that sense, the practical work day focused on trying to guide companies on these types of problems and present the benefits of adopting secure privileged access tools. To this end, several common use cases were implemented in these types of environments, and the most technical aspects were delved into when implementing these types of solutions.