Back ZIUR addresses the ISA/IEC 62443 standard in the ISMS Forum Euskadi forum

2024 / 06 / 20
ISMS Forum-ek ekainaren 20an Bilbon antolatutako ISMS Forum Euskadi zibersegurtasun industrialeko foroan parte hartu zuen ZIURek. 20 hizlari baino gehiago eta segurtasun teknologikoaren arloko 160 parte-hartzaile bildu ziren Yimby aretoak hartu zuen jardunaldian eta zibersegurtasun industrialerako aurrerapen teknologiko berriek dakartzaten arriskuei eta mehatxuei buruzko hamar bat hitzaldi interesgarriz gozatu ahal izan zuten.

ZIUR addresses the ISA/IEC 62443 standard in the ISMS Forum Euskadi forum

ZIUR participated in the industrial cybersecurity forum ISMS Forum Euskadi, organized by ISMS Forum and its Basque regional chapter, on June 20 in Bilbao. The conference, held in the Yimby room, brought together more than 20 speakers and 160 attendees from the field of technological security, who were able to enjoy a dozen interesting presentations on the risks and threats posed by new technological advances for industrial cybersecurity. , as is the case with AI and cryptography.

The international IEC 62443 series of standards describes the basic requirements to avoid security risks for component manufacturers, system integrators and operators. Component manufacturers must ensure the safety of products and machinery and plant manufacturers must ensure their safe interaction.

ZIUR, a collaborating institution at the meeting, offered a presentation on the adaptation of the Basque industry to the ISA/IEC 62443 standard, a regulation that seeks to offer safe operation of industrial automation systems (ICS systems). In this sense, Iñaki Torrecilla, ICS Security Architect at ZIUR, presented the analysis and conclusions of the study carried out on the degree of compliance of industrial companies in the Basque Country in relation to the international regulations ISA/IEC 62443.

In his presentation, the ZIUR expert stated that "data is essential in the industry to optimize production and improve operations, making decisions based on information. But, currently, the need for hyperconnectivity of equipment makes organizations more vulnerable to suffer cyber attacks".