Back ZIUR exposes the latest developments in safety regulations

2023 / 05 / 04
ZIURek Cibcom Technologies, Siemens eta Elektra Taldeak antolatutako zibersegurtasuneko saio tekniko batean parte hartu zuen maiatzaren 4ean. Bertan, Gipuzkoako industriari eragiten dioten araudien eta estandarren azken berritasunak azaldu zituen eta, era berean, zibersegurtasun-mailari dagokionez lurraldeko enpresen egoeraren berri eman zuen ere.

ZIUR exposes the latest developments in safety regulations

ZIUR participated on May 4 in a technical cybersecurity session organized by Cibcom Technologies, Siemens and Grupo Elektra, in which it presented the latest developments in regulations and standards that affect the Gipuzkoan industry, as well as the situation of companies in the territory regarding the level of cybersecurity.

Under the title "Learn to improve and manage your company's cybersecurity", the conference held at the Orona Auditorium in Hernani addressed different aspects of the cybersecure digital industry, such as IT/OT convergence, network segmentation, the management of connected devices and OT services or version management and backups.

The day began with a talk by María Penilla, technical director of ZIUR, who explained to those present the keys to cybersecurity regulations and standards that affect the industry with an increasingly higher level of international demand.

Likewise, during the conference, special emphasis was placed on the general recommendations to develop a data management project in the plant, complying with industrial cybersecurity standards, and guaranteeing the scalability and availability of the projects.

ZIUR participates in Next Secure OT

On May 30, the Director of ZIUR, Koldo Peciña, participated in the NextSecure OT conference of the company S21sec in Bilbao, to discuss how the new regulations will affect the industrial sector.

Specifically, Peciña participated in a round table together with José Valiente, Director of the CCI Center, and Idoia Aguirre, ICS Team Leader at Nordex Group, where new OT cybersecurity regulations were discussed, such as IEC62443 and NIS2.