Back ZIUR promotes a new space for companies to share experiences around cybersecurity

2022 / 02 / 23
 Gipuzkoako 15 enpresatako sistemen eta zibersegurtasunaren arduradunek parte hartu zuten lehenengo topaketan, industria-konpainiei irekia.

ZIUR promotes a new space for companies to share experiences around cybersecurity

  • Systems and cybersecurity managers from 15 Gipuzkoan companies participated in the first meeting
  • The initiative is open to industrial companies

The objective that ZIUR pursues with this proposal is to weave a collaboration network between those responsible for computer systems in companies in order to share useful information about cybersecurity. In the last two years, attacks against companies have multiplied. For this reason, creating a shared space of this type is an initiative that will allow companies to have a direct means of communication in the face of possible threats.

ZIUR Fundazioa is one of the reference centers created by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council within the framework of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz initiative to respond to the future challenges of the territory in collaboration with the private sector, companies, universities and technology centres. Collaboration is precisely the key to the initiative presented at the end of February at a meeting inaugurated by the Regional Deputy for Economic Promotion, Tourism and Rural Affairs, Jabier Larrañaga.

In his intervention, Larrañaga pointed out that strengthening the competitiveness of the companies in the territory in terms of cybersecurity is one of the main objectives of the center. “The technical support for this is the laboratory that we opened a year ago and that allows us to test products, carry out experiments and offer services to companies. But ZIUR is not only that. It goes beyond technical training and seeks to promote collaboration and experimentation under the principles of Etorkizuna Eraikiz, to achieve new relationship spaces between companies and agents”, he remarked. Therefore, the objective of this meeting was to create a network between Gipuzkoan industrial companies to share information and collaborate on cybersecurity. "What we are looking for with this is to create a space of trust that generates collaboration between different companies," he explained.

The director of ZIUR, Koldo Peciña, thanked the companies for their involvement in this collaboration network which, in his opinion, "will be a complementary protective shield against cyber attacks, since it will allow people to share information and experiences responsible for managing cybersecurity in the industry”. "The keys for this network to work, he stressed, will be trust and collaboration among its participants."

ZIUR's role will be to promote this group made up of CIOs (system managers) and CISOs (cybersecurity managers). A total of 15 industrial companies participated in the implementation of the initiative. The day also included the intervention of a strategic consultant who detailed her experience in communicating to the company's management different aspects related to cybersecurity and how to respond to possible incidents.