Back ZIUR trains industrial companies in Bidasoa in cybersecurity

2024 / 06 / 13
ZIURek eta Bidasoa Bizirik, Bidasoaren Garapen Agentziak, Gipuzkoako zibersegurtasunaren egungo egoeraren berri eman eta tresnak eta gomendioak eskaintzeko helburuarekin industria-enpresentzako prestakuntza-jardunaldi bat egin zuten ekainaren 13an. 

ZIUR trains industrial companies in Bidasoa in cybersecurity

ZIUR and Bidasoa activa, the Bidasoa Development Agency, held a training day on June 13 aimed at industrial companies to inform them of the current situation of cybersecurity in Gipuzkoa and offer them tools and recommendations.

ZIUR experts María Penilla, Iker Izaguirre and Iñaki Torrecilla delved into the response to incidents and the new regulations applied to the industrial sector, as well as the services that ZIUR offers to companies.

Alcad Electronics, Algon Structures, Norclamp, Conatec, Válvulas Zubi and Cauchopren are the companies that went to the ZIUR headquarters to delve deeper into the European obligations and regulations regarding cybersecurity that the sectors to which they belong must comply. In addition, they had the opportunity to visit the ZIUR laboratory.