Back ZIUR at ECTA 2023

2023 / 05 / 26
ZIURek maiatzaren 26an AFM Clusterrak, ECTA Gorteko Erreminten Europako Elkartearekin lankidetzan, ECTA ebaketa-erreminten Europako konferentzian parte hartu zuen. Jardunaldiak industria-sektoreko berrikuntza, ekintzailetza eta ikerketa eduki zituen mintzagai.

ZIUR at ECTA conference 2023

ZIUR participated on May 26 in ECTA, the European cutting tools conference organized by AFM Cluster in cooperation with the European Cutting Tools Association ECTA, which revolved around innovation, entrepreneurship and research in the industrial sector.

María Penilla, technical director of ZIUR, presented the main challenges in the field of industrial cybersecurity in this European forum that, for two days, brought together international speakers and representatives of local organizations and companies to discuss the strategic challenges related to the manufacture of tools cutting and clamping technology.