Back Cybersecurity training days for companies and training centers
Cybersecurity training days for companies and training centers
In the month of October, the center has organized different conferences aimed at professionals from companies in the industrial sector and computer science students, to give them training and awareness courses, one of the main pillars of the activity of the Gipuzkoan industrial cybersecurity center.
ZIUR continues to work to raise awareness and train the industrial fabric of Gipuzkoa and students in cybersecurity. On October 25, ZIUR attended ADEGI, as a result of the agreement between both entities, to emphasize the importance of defining the role of cybersecurity in companies, and its alignment with the organization's strategy. Likewise, the center presented the aspects related to the figure of the CISO and shared important security measures applicable by the member companies of ADEGI.
On this day, the ZIUR team was represented by Koldo Peciña, director of ZIUR, who was accompanied by experts from the risk management consulting company Marsh, specifically by Gonzalo Lujua, North Business Development Director, Enrique Maza, Cybersecurity & Business Resilience director and Gonzalo Ayala, North Zone Responsible for Cyber risk.
Likewise, on the same day ZIUR organized a webinar entitled "Spear Phising: how to deal with one of today's biggest cybersecurity threats", as a result of the agreement with the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce. During the event, ZIUR exposed the most typical phishing messages to various companies and presented protection tools to deal with these increasingly common attacks.
Finally, on October 27, ZIUR welcomed students from the 2nd Cycle of Administration of Computer Network Systems of the FP Seim Center to its facilities, to talk to them about the fundamentals of cybersecurity in OT environments, the design of a secure architecture in OT environments and the chain of cyber attacks that hackers follow in ICS environments. In addition, they toured the laboratory, where they simulated an attack on a machining plant.