Back ZIUR hosts an industrial cybersecurity breakfast at its facilities

2024 / 06 / 26
ZIURek, laguntzaile gisa eta  Cybertix eta SensorFu Consulting erakundeekin batera, Osane Consulting-ek antolatutako Gosari Cyber Industrial jardunaldia hartu zuen ekainaren 26an. Industria-ehunaren ordezkariei zuzendutako topaketak, sareen segmentazioa eta pribilegioen kudeaketa izan zituen ardatz. Horiek, kontuan hartu beharreko alderdiak dira mota horretako enpresetan datuen babesa bermatzeko orduan.

ZIUR addresses the ISA/IEC 62443 standard in the ISMS Forum Euskadi forum

On June 26, ZIUR hosted the 'Cyber ​​Industrial Breakfast' event organized by Osane Consulting, as a collaborating entity of the event together with Cybertix and SensorFu Consulting. The meeting, aimed at representatives of the industrial fabric, revolved around network segmentation and privilege management, fundamental aspects to take into account to guarantee data protection in this type of companies.

The day was presented by María Penilla, general director of ZIUR, who detailed the challenges facing the business community in Euskadi, and gave way to 3 national and international experts, who offered practical examples and success stories.

In that sense, Eduardo Sáez, Head of pre-sales at Cybertix, gave the keys to making cybersecurity a simple and effective tool. For his part, Mikko Kenttälä, CEO and Founder of SensorFu, offered a list of good practices and security tools in OT isolation. Finally, Juan Antonio Calles, CSO of Osane Consulting, addressed the NIS2 directive in relation to its significance in management bodies.

The day ended with a networking space, in which professionals were able to exchange experiences and interests in the field of technological security.