Back Urola Kosta companies are trained in cybersecurity in the Office 365 context

2024 / 06 / 14
ZIURek Zibersegurtasuna Office 365eko inguruneetan saioa egin zuen ekainaren 14an Azpeitian, Iraurgi Berritzen-ekin lankidetzan. Eskualdeko IT arduradunei zuzendutako jardunaldian, dozena bat enpresa industrialek parte hartu zuten.

Urola Kosta companies are trained in cybersecurity in the Office 365 context

On June 14, ZIUR held the session "Cybersecurity in Office 365 environments: Existing services and technologies" in collaboration with Iraurgi Berritzen at the Basazabal Palace in Azpeitia. The conference, aimed at IT managers in the region, had the participation of a dozen industrial companies from Urola Kosta and addressed aspects such as standard security options for access to systems and information, "Zero Trust" technologies to provide greater degree of security and possibilities for backup of elements in the cloud.

In this sense, ZIUR experts presented different services and security options that Microsoft offers in the Office 365 environment to companies such as Ibarmia Gestiver, E-Soft, Ukabi, Sammic, Biele, Bernardo Ecenarro, SEIN Tools Services Results, Elkarmedia, Juaristi , Xubi Engranajes, Ameztoi Anaiak, Sarralle and Elmubas Ibérica. Likewise, they discussed other existing technologies on the market to support this type of solutions and offered recommendations and options for making backup copies of Office 365 environments.

With these work sessions, in addition to publicizing possible technological trends in the field of cybersecurity, it aims to be a space in which companies in the region can share the knowledge, projects and good practices they are developing in this area. field.

The work session was the third of the plan defined for 2023-24 in collaboration with those responsible for IT in the region. The next session, which will take place in October, will be held under the title "Technological surveillance: Current state and projection of existing tools/technologies".