Back Urola Garaia SMEs, more efficient in responding to cyber-incidents

2024 / 07 / 04
ZIURek, UGGASA Urola Garaiko garapen agentziarekin batera, Ziber-intzidenteei erantzuteko gomendioak saioa egin zuen Sortzen Gunean uztailaren 4ean. Tailerra, eskualdeko enpresa txiki eta ertainei zuzendutako  bi erakundeen artean diseinatutako heziketa-zikloko hirugarrena eta azkena, zibersegurtasuneko barne-protokolo baten definizioaren ingurukoa izan zen.

The SMEs of Urola Garaia, willing to combat phishing

On July 4, ZIUR held, together with the Urola Garaia development agency UGGASA, the session 'Recommendations to be efficient when responding to cyber-incidents' in Urretxu. The workshop, the third and last of the training cycle designed between both entities for SMEs in the region, revolved around the definition of an internal cybersecurity protocol.

One of ZIUR's objectives is to help improve industrial cybersecurity in Gipuzkoa and, to this end, it offers training workshops and support to companies.

In this sense, ZIUR offered the professionals who approached the Sortzen Space a series of strategies, recommendations and tools for the internal definition of a response protocol for cyber incidents, with the aim of helping SMEs keep their data secure. .

To this end, the experts from the Guipuzcoan industrial cybersecurity center, María Penilla and Iker Izaguirre, presented the most common incidents in Gipuzkoa, presented the keys to defining a response protocol for incidents, and shared recommendations when it comes to managing correct a cybercrisis, among other aspects.

With the completion of the training cycle, companies have been able to acquire knowledge and tools in relation to different areas related to cybersecurity, such as good practices in cybersecurity for companies, preventive measures and keys to defining an internal response protocol for cyber incidents.