Industrial cybersecurity reports and studies

At ZIUR Fundazioa we offer cybersecurity dissemination services for the industrial sector of Gipuzkoa. We collect the results of the analyzes and studies carried out in these reports that we make available to you. Download them and take firm steps to control cybersecurity in your company.

Back Report of SOC in Industrial OT environments

"By 2024, 80% of modern SOCs will be using tools that employ machine learning, up from less than 10% today, but it won't significantly reduce the average dwell time of attackers across the industry."


Information technology consulting and research company

Although the concept of SOC-OT is not very widespread, the increasing detection of threats thanks to new monitoring technologies in OT environments is generating the need to create and implement SOCs in OT environments.

A SOC-OT is the same concept as a SOC (Security Operation Center) or SOC-IT, that is, an incident response center, but oriented to the industrial world. However, the fact of adapting a SOC-IT to the industrial world generates a paradigm shift and uncovers new challenges.

If you are thinking of creating or implementing a SOC-OT, through this report you will be able to learn what a SOC-OT consists of and the steps that an organization must follow to deploy the services and activities of a SOC-OT.

Do you want to get in touch?

You will find a dedicated and helpful team at ZIUR. Should you be interested in finding out about our cyber security guidance service, offered through the Observatory,please contact us so that we can speak with you.