Back María Penilla is the new director of the ZIUR Foundation

2024 / 01 / 04
Telekomunikazioetako Goi Mailako Ingeniaria da, eta Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzako Masterra du. Erantzukizun berria ez zaio arrotz gertatuko; izan ere, 2020ko irailetik gaur arte ZIUReko KTZ/zuzendari tekniko gisa lan egin du, Fundazioaren azpiegitura eta estrategia teknologikoa kudeatuz eta Gipuzkoako industria-enpresen eskura jartzen diren zerbitzuak definituz eta emanez.

María Penilla is the new director of the ZIUR Foundation

“He knows the project perfectly, our industrial fabric, and has leadership and initiative,” highlighted the deputy for Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects Ane Insausti.

María Penilla (Santander, 1975) is the new director of the ZIUR Foundation. She is a Telecommunications Engineer, she has a Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, she speaks Basque and is fluent in English. The new responsibility will not be foreign to her since since September 2020 and until now she has worked as CTO/technical director of ZIUR, managing the infrastructure and technological strategy of the Foundation, and the definition and provision of the different services provided. made available to industrial companies in Gipuzkoa.

Previously, Penilla had had an extensive career in the private sector, developing her activity in companies such as BDM-Exclusive Networks, Telenor Comunicaciones, Ibermatica and Motorola. She accumulates extensive technical and management experience in the development of engineering installation and maintenance projects, organization and equipment management; she pre-sales and business development in the field of technology and telecommunications, and in the field of security of communication equipment. She takes over the leadership of ZIUR from Koldo Peciña, appointed this term as director of Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council.

The deputy for Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects Ane Insausti has assessed Penilla's appointment as the main person in charge "very positively." She “she is the most appropriate person, and she is for several reasons: because she knows perfectly the project, its reason for being and its challenges; She knows and has worked with those of us who make up the new economic team of the Provincial Council; She knows the companies in the territory, with which she has been collaborating side by side; and because we know her. She is a highly qualified professional, with management and leadership skills, with initiative, vision of our industrial fabric and its challenges, and a collaborative spirit.”

She added that “the process of digital transformation and the emergence of technologies such as AI are going to make cybersecurity increasingly important in our industry, both to prevent threats and to create new opportunities for economic development. Therefore, ZIUR, with María's encouragement, will continue to play a strategic role as an ally of our companies, especially SMEs, in this area."