Back New report available on Cybersecurity Rating

2022 / 04 / 27
ZIUR Gipuzkoako Zibersegurtasun Industrialeko Zentroak, lurraldeko 40 enpresak parte hartu duten Zibersegurtasun Ratinga proiektuari buruzko txosten berria argitaratu du apirilean. Gipuzkoako gainerako industria-erakundeentzat ere balio dezake dokumentuak, ekimen honen barruan lortutako ondorioez balia baitaitezke.

New report available on Cybersecurity Rating

Nearly 40 companies from the territory have participated in the project, which began in January 2021 and ended in March 2022

The Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center, ZIUR, has published this April a new report on 'Cybersecurity Rating', a project in which almost 40 companies in the territory have participated. The document can also be used by the rest of the industrial organizations in Gipuzkoa, which can take advantage of the conclusions obtained within the framework of this initiative.

Specifically, the report on 'rating' anonymously collects the results obtained by almost 40 companies that participated in this project, which began in January 2021 and ended in March 2022. During it, these entities received support and They participated in telematic meetings with the aim of making the most of the findings made and thus improving their cybersecurity and information security rating.

Although most of the companies involved in the project, 23 of them, obtained an intermediate 'rating', between 660 and 770 and even 10 of them an advanced level, during the initiative aspects of improvement were seen that could develop all of them. In addition, one of the conclusions reached was that the ability to monitor the 'rating' over the long term offers a good opportunity to react to changes as they arise, so that companies can prioritize the actions they have to take finished.

All the conclusions and recommendations derived from this study are now available on the ZIUR website.