Back The Construction division of the Mondragon Corporation visits ZIUR
![Mondragon Korporazioko Eraikuntza-Dibisioak, IT batzordea egitearekin bat eginez, ZIURen bulegoei bisita egin zien otsailaren 21ean ZIURek bisita probestu zuen zibersegurtasun industrialeko laborategia aurkezteko eta haiekin partekatu zituen azken hilabeteetan ZIURek bere segurtasun-behatokitik garatu dituen proiektuetan ateratako azken ondorioak. Era berean, zentroak gaur egun abian dituen proiektuen berri eman zien eta baita horietan parte hartzeko gonbitea luzatu ere.](/documents/63235046/63241494/division-construccion-mondragon-newsletter.jpeg/7c6f2410-9ce0-a2d1-7eb2-6732949ec560?t=1677609023537)
The Construction division of the Mondragon Corporation visits ZIUR
On February 21, the construction division of the Mondragon Group visited the ZIUR offices, on the occasion of the celebration of the ICT committee. Likewise, ZIUR took the opportunity to introduce them to the industrial cybersecurity laboratory, and share with them the latest conclusions obtained in the projects that, during the last months, ZIUR has developed from its cybersecurity observatory, as well as commenting on the projects that it currently has underway. the center, so that they know them, and can take part in them.
The Construction division of the Mondragon Corporation
The cooperatives that make up the Construction division of the Mondragon cooperative group include the Onnera Group, the Kide Group, Lana, Domusa, Urssa, Biurrarena, Etorki, Coinalde and the Gesdas housing cooperative developer. This Mondragon division has sales of almost 500 million euros, employs more than 3,000 people and has 20 production plants in Spain, France, Poland, Mexico, the Czech Republic and China.