Back ZIUR shows cybersecurity as a professional opportunity to ASIR students

ZIUR shows cybersecurity as a professional opportunity to ASIR students
ZIUR has received the second-year students of the Higher Degree in Administration of Computer Network Systems of the SEIM FP Center, to share with them the most in-demand profiles in the world of cybersecurity, the activity of ZIUR and the fundamentals of industrial cybersecurity.
The technical director of ZIUR, María Penilla, has shown the number of professional profiles that exist today in the field of cybersecurity, and has introduced the dozen students to the world of industrial cybersecurity.
Among other things, he explained how security is managed in an OT environment, unlike how it is done in an IT environment, and the phases that a cyber-incident usually follows in an OT environment, with real examples of cyber-incidents suffered. in industrial plants.
At the same time, she has made known ZIUR's activity, based on helping Guipuzcoan industrial companies to reform their cybersecurity capabilities, as well as contributing to the preparation and training of students from vocational training centers and universities. In relation to the latter, the ZIUR expert has taught the industrial cybersecurity laboratory to future technicians and the options it offers.