Back Axular students visit ZIUR

2024 / 02 / 08
Axularreko DBH2ko ikasleek zibersegurtasunak egunerokotasunean dueAxularreko DBH2ko ikasleek zibersegurtasunak egunerokotasunean duen garrantziaz jabetzeko prestakuntza-saio bat jaso zuten ZIUR-i egindako bisitan. Sare sozialen erabilpen arduratsuaren eta ikasleek egunero erabiltzen dituzten aplikazioen inguruko azalpenak eman zizkien María Penilla ZIUReko zuzendariak. Ildo horretan, ZIURek sarri erabili ohi duten aplikazio baten hackeo baten simulazioa egin zuen ikasleak kontzientziatzeko helburuarekin.

Axular students visit ZIUR

2nd year ESO students recently visited ZIUR, where they received training on the importance of cybersecurity in their daily lives. María Penilla, director of ZIUR, spoke to them about the responsible use of social networks and the applications that students usually use on a daily basis. In this sense, ZIUR simulated a hack in a commonly used app with the aim of raising awareness among students.

These visits are part of the training that ZIUR offers to schools in Gipuzkoa, which aim to raise awareness among students in the Basque Country about the relevance that cybersecurity currently has.