Back The 2023 cybersecurity aid program is open

The 2023 cybersecurity aid program is open
The program called "Gipuzkoa Digitala: Cybersecurity" has a total budget of 300,000 euros. Promoted by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, it seeks to promote cybersecurity among industrial companies in the territory.
ZIUR, the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center, plays an active role in the deployment of subsidized projects, monitoring them. In addition, for the granting of aid, the level of collaboration, coordination and alignment of the companies with the initiatives promoted by ZIUR will be valued, thus promoting synergies and shared work with the center of reference, and the adoption of the ZIUR methodology for carrying out a self-diagnosis of cybersecurity maturity.
Likewise, the aid program, which is aligned with the ZIUR strategy, has been adapting since 2021 to the needs detected by the cybersecurity center in this matter in the industrial business fabric.
Regarding the structuring of the programme, two lines of action have been established for the current call. On the one hand, a line of aid called “Business Cybersecurity” has been launched, aimed at strengthening cybersecurity in industrial SMEs in Gipuzkoa and for which a total of 165,000 euros have been allocated. On the other hand, a second line has been launched called "Ciberseguro Industrial Product", which has an endowment of up to 135,000 euros and its objective is to promote the development of projects for evaluating the safety of industrial products. The deadline for submitting applications for the “Business Cybersecurity” grant will end on September 15, 2023 and the deadline for requesting the “Ciberseguro Industrial Product” grant, on the other hand, will end on April 3, 2023.
With the help of "Business Cybersecurity" the hiring of specialized advice will be supported to carry out a cybersecurity plan that includes a diagnosis of the situation of the SME in terms of cybersecurity, as well as support in the deployment of the plan and its execution. of the same. The maximum subsidy per company will be €15,000, and it will be subsidized in a greater or lesser percentage depending on the size of the company. Likewise, 15% more will be financed for those companies that, prior to submitting the aid application, have carried out an analysis of the company's situation in terms of cybersecurity, through the ZIUR online self-diagnosis program.
Regarding the “Ciberseguro Industrial Product” aid, this is aimed at companies that develop and/or design industrial devices, with the aim of implementing cybersecurity from the design of the product, and testing the security of these in industrial laboratories of cybersecurity. The maximum subsidy per company will be €20,000, and it will be subsidized in a greater or lesser percentage depending on the size of the company. Likewise, 15% more will be financed for those companies that commit to collaborate with ZIUR throughout the development of the subsidized project.