Are you worried about the cybersecurity of your company?

ZIUR warns of more effective attack patterns due to quantum computing

In its new report on Quantum Computing in industrial environments, ZIUR warns that, although this technology is still in the initial phase, new cases of its use have already been identified in the field of cybersecurity, such as more effective identification of attack patterns or more robust encryption algorithms.

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ZIUR analyzes the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence in the industry

In its report Use of Artificial Intelligence in security tools in an OT environment, the Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center recommends that organizations in the sector have the most up-to-date mechanisms to protect their systems and avoid suffering a cyber attack that forces them to stop any critical process.

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Industrial Cyber Security Center-Gipuzkoa

ZIUR is the Industrial Cybersecurity Center in Gipuzkoa. We help industrial companies to strengthen their capabilities in cybersecurity and we contribute to the development of the sector in our territory.

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ZIUR QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid nazioarteko konferentziaren 4. edizioan izan zen apirilaren 18an eta 19an, produktu edo sistema baten bizi-zikloaren etapetan safety eta cybersecurit

ZIUR participates in QA&TEST Madrid as a member of the Technical Committee

ZIUR attended the 4th edition of the International QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity Madrid conference on April 18 and 19, to learn about the challenges posed by the integration of the safety and cybersecurity aspects in the different stages of the life cycle. of a product or system.

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ZIURek apirilaren 17an, UGGASA Urola Garaiko garapen agentziarekin batera, ETE-entzako zibersegurtasuneko jardunbide egokien dekalogoa saioa egin zuen Urretxuko Sortzen espazioan. Tailerra ETEei zuzenduta dago, eta eskualdeko hamar bat profesionalek parte hartu zuten, beren enpresen aktibo digitalak babesteko aholku praktikoak jaso dituztenak.

Cybersecurity training for SMEs from Urola Garaia

On April 17, ZIUR held, together with the Urola Garaia development agency UGGASA, the session Decalogue of Good Practices in Cybersecurity for SMEs at the Sortzen Space in Urretxu. The workshop, aimed at SMEs, was attended by a dozen professionals from the region, who received practical advice to protect their companies digital assets.

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ZIURek apirilaren 17an parte hartu zuen HPE GreenLake Day 2024 Bilbon, Hewlett Packard Enterprisek antolatutako jardunaldi batean, berrikuntza teknologikoei buruz, hala nola zibersegurtasuna, sareak, Intelligent Edge, hodei hibridoa eta Adimen Artifiziala, San Mames estadioan.

ZIUR at HPE GreenLake Day 2024 Bilbao

On April 17, ZIUR participated in HPE GreenLake Day 2024 Bilbao, a day organized by Hewlett Packard Enterprise on technological developments such as cybersecurity, networks, Intelligent Edge, hybrid cloud and Artificial Intelligence, which took place at the San Mamés stadium.

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