
OT inguruneko ziberarriskuaren gobernua

Segurtasun zibernetikoaren arriskuak areagotzen ari direla eta, ezinbestekoa da zibersegurtasun plan bat izatea enpresa bakoitzeko neurrira eginda. 


Industria-ingurunearen mehatxuak

Arrakasta duten zibererasoen %95ek giza akats batean dute jatorria. Ezagutu nola sahiestu dezakezun. 


Cybersecurity Culture

In the following video, from ZIUR Foundation, we want to show the most common threats, associated with industrial environments, and how to prevent them. The objective of this initiative is to convey the importance of having adequate security measures.


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All the information about cybersecurity in your hand.

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