Back ZIUR receives the Bikain gold certificate

2022 / 12 / 13
ZIUR, Bikain 2022 ziurtagiriak emateko ekitaldi ofizialean izan zen, abenduaren 13an Donostiako Kursaal Zentroan egindako ekitaldian, urrezko hizkuntza-kudeaketaren kalitate-ziurtagiria jasotzeko. Iker Izaguirre, ZIUReko zibersegurtasuneko teknikariak Bingen Zupiria Kultura sailburuaren eta Miren Dobaran Hizkuntza Politikarako sailburuordearen eskutik jaso zuen ziurtagiria.

ZIUR receives the Bikain gold certificate

ZIUR attended the official award ceremony of the Bikain 2022 certificates, held on December 13 at the Kursaal Center in San Sebastián, to collect the gold certificate of Quality in Language Management. Iker Izaguirre, a ZIUR cybersecurity technician, received the certificate from the Minister of Culture, Bingen Zupiria, and the Deputy Minister of Language Policy, Miren Dobaran.

Since the beginning of the year, ZIUR underwent an external evaluation process carried out by the Bikain Evaluators and Evaluators Club, made up of more than 100 professionals and experts. In total, there are 1,000 points at stake, and to get the gold certificate, the 800 point barrier must be overcome. According to the assessment made by the external team, ZIUR exceeded the minimum score to reach the top level, thus receiving the highest certification level, the gold Bikain.