Back ZIUR publishes a new cyber intelligence report

2022 / 11 / 28
ZIURen ziber-inteligentzia txosten berriaren helburua da aztertzea, ea ingurune industriala ziurtatzeko zibersegurtasunaren arloko ikuspegi tradizionalistak (OT/ICS) balio izaten jarraitzen duen mehatxu berrien aurrean. Dokumentu honen bidez, ZIURek industria-ingurune bateko zibersegurtasunaren gaur egungo ikuspegia eman nahi du, baita hainbat gomendio eman ere.

ZIUR publishes a new cyber intelligence report

The traditional approach to cybersecurity is no longer effective in industrial settings

The Gipuzkoa Industrial Cybersecurity Center, ZIUR, has published a new report called 'Industrial Sector October 2022 - Cyber ​​Intelligence Report', which aims to analyze whether the traditional approach to cybersecurity to secure the industrial environment (OT/ICS ) is still valid against new threats. With this document, ZIUR intends to give a current vision of cybersecurity in an industrial environment, as well as provide a series of conclusions and recommendations to industrial companies.

The report explains that companies in the industrial sector need to grow, expand and benefit from the digital transformation in what we know as industry 4.0, the industrial internet or Connected Industry 4.0. However, this transformation process "has increased the exposure area of ​​companies to cyberattacks," the document warns.

For this reason, this analysis aims to make the industry aware that cybersecurity, as we have understood it up to now, is not enough to deal with new threats, especially in industrial environments, which are more complex.

In this sense, ZIUR recommends taking industrial cybersecurity to the next level, through the adoption of the Zero trust security philosophy, security by design (Sbd) and defense in depth, including the implementation of a dynamic network environment, performing periodic safety audits every year and training employees.