Back Ziur participates in an Adegi day about cloud environments

Ziur participates in an Adegi day about cloud environments
On February 9, ZIUR participated in a conference organized by ADEGI, the result of the agreement between both entities, in which Koldo Peciña, Director of ZIUR, presented the main cloud security challenges together with experts from entities such as SALTO Systems, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and PwC Spain.
The migration of resources to the cloud environment by organizations has grown exponentially in recent years. The increase in the exposure of these corporate resources in Cloud environments to cyberattacks has highlighted Cloud security, becoming one of the issues on which CISOs of organizations are focusing.
Koldo Peciña shared the keys to know and adequately manage the risks associated with this type of migration in the industrial field. In this sense, he exposed the risks associated with migration to cloud environments that, on many occasions, have to do with not considering the necessary control measures in each situation and offered guidelines on how to manage these risks, as well as a battery of good practices.