Back ZIUR presents its vision on NIS2 and the level of cybersecurity to 500 professionals

2024 / 11 / 11
 ZIURek DOK Summit Bilbaon parte hartu du gaur goizean, GAIA Klusterrak eta ESLE Euskadiko Software Libreko Enpresen Elkarteak Bilboko Euskalduna Jauregian antolatutako Teknologia eta Ezagutza kongresuan. Maria Penilla zuzendari nagusiak bat egin du NIS2 zuzentarauari eta enpresen zibersegurtasun mailari buruz duen ikuspegiarekin.

ZIUR presents its vision on NIS2 and the level of cybersecurity to 500 professionals

María Penilla, director of ZIUR, has participated in a product presentation and a round table at DOK Summit Bilbao

This morning, ZIUR participated in DOK Summit Bilbao, the Technology and Knowledge conference organised by the GAIA Cluster and the Free Software Companies Association of Euskadi ESLE at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. Its general director, María Penilla, shared her vision of the NIS2 directive and the level of cybersecurity of industrial companies with the 500 professionals who attended these events at the international event, which aims to analyse the challenges and opportunities presented by the Open and Green Digital Transition in the new Data Economy.

In her first presentation, the ZIUR expert presented, together with Roberto Izquierdo, head of Cybersecurity projects and services in the cybersecurity division of Versia, Versia Cyber ​​Shield, the joint project to evaluate the cybersecurity posture of 4 industrial companies in Guipuzcoa, using the Cybersity solution to optimize investment in cybersecurity in the industrial sector and protect critical company assets.

Penilla then participated in a round table on cybersecurity regulations, in which she shared her vision of the European Directive NIS2, among other regulations, together with Carla Redondo, general secretary of the National Cybersecurity Institute INCIBE, Sebastijan Čutura, Senior Manager at Industry Cybersecurity of the European Cyber ​​Security Organisation (ECSO), Guillermo Unamuno, head of the Smart & Cyber ​​department of the SPRI Group, and representatives of the energy sector David Andrés Hurtado and Andoni Valverde Villar, IT and Cybersecurity executive of Naturgy, and Global Head of Cyber ​​Fusion Center of Iberdrola, respectively.