Back ZIUR discovers the world of forensic analysis to students

2022 / 12 / 26
ZIURek industrial zibersegurtasunaren inguruan formakuntza-saio bat eman zien abenduaren 12an Easo Politeknikoko LH-ko Zibersegurtasun alorreko ikasleei. Saioaren helburua azterketa-forentsean ematen diren zenbait tekniken inguruan kontzientziatzea izan zen. Teknika hauek ingurune korporatiboetan modu tradizionalean aplikatu diren arren, jada aplikatzen hasiak dira Industria- Kontroleko Sistemetan (IKS).

ZIUR discovers the world of forensic analysis to students

On December 12, ZIUR gave a training session on industrial cybersecurity to the students of the Cybersecurity specialty of the Easo Politeknikoa FP center, with the aim of raising awareness about certain forensic analysis techniques that, although they have been traditionally applied on corporate environments, are already beginning to be applied to Industrial Control Systems (ICS).

In the theoretical part, the Gipuzkoa Cybersecurity Center introduced FP students to secure architectures in Industrial Control Systems environments, as well as the Purdue model and the tools available to carry out forensic analysis in ICS environments.

In the practical part, the students had the opportunity to analyze in a practical way the different attack scenarios in industrial networks, and practice a forensic analysis in this type of environment in the ZIUR laboratory, with the aim of learning to detect and document the course, reasons, culprits and consequences of a security incident.